Friday, April 15, 2016

You're not trying, you're whining

Another day and we are off to a good start... and then I get out of bed ;) Lately I have been feeling down on myself about pretty much EVERY area of my life. I need to be better, do better, get better and everything. Ugh!

When I get down on myself I think of a line from "The Devil Wears Prada". Andy has once again failed her boss and with tears and a voice of defeat she complains to Nigel about how she is trying so hard and busting her bottom to do everything and she gets no recognition for doing things right but if she messes up then her boss just rails into her. To this Nigel says, "You're not trying, you're whining".  He says more but this line sticks in my head day after day. 

When I look at my life am I really trying or am I just whining? Sadly it is probably the latter. 

Today was an attempt to be more proactive at starting the day off right and keeping going. If we are able to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather it is so much easier to keep a cool head. The kids were strapped in the stroller and we took a long walk to Central Park. I mentioned Central Park in a previous post. We walked the paths, played on two different playgrounds, watched the ducks/geese/dogs, and went out onto the dock over the lake.

We worked on learning our letter by writing in the sand with sticks. I wrote C-A-T and had Ted sound it out. Yay you read cat Ted! Then I wrote B-U-S. He said b-uh-sss. I asked what that said and he replied CAT! So we still have some work to do.

Ted found a rock and was dropping it through the rungs of a ladder with a clang clang clang. Tidus thought this was the most hilarious thing he has ever seen. He belly laughed each time Ted dropped the rock. I am convinced that no one can make a baby laugh as hard as an older sibling. Of course, Ted had to bring the rock home he is my son. When I was little I had a rock collection. The most famous of all my rocks was a rocked named "Steady". I think I liked to pretend Steady was a pet rock or something. Unfortunately Steady was lost in the big family move of '92. Ted's rock does not get to join us inside, it is an exclusively outdoor rock and gets to hang out at the bottom of the stairs to our home. Bringing a rock into the house can only spell disaster for a 2-year-old or for our possessions.

For those keeping score, yes this is a new stroller. We sold the old two seater  on Craigslist and bought a nicer one, my early mother's day present. It is still a hassle to get up and down the stairs to our apartment but that leads into another point. We are moving on down. A bottom floor apartment opened up in our complex and we decided to take it. It is the exact same on the inside but we will have a good size patio out back and a closer parking spot. Best of all, I won't have to lug child contraptions up and down the stairs! Huzzah!


  1. Congrats on moving downstairs n new stroller!

  2. Yay on new apartment! And you are a great mom and person don't let anyone else [or your brain 😉] tell you any different! Love you!!
