Monday, April 18, 2016

Ted writes his letters!!!

Hanging out in the morning is a nice was to ease into the day. That being said, at this point I have already started the laundry, done the dishes, made the beds, walked and fed the dog and got everyone (including myself) clothed and ready for the day. But once all these things are taken care of I like to attempt to hang out in the toy room with the kids and take some time to play before breakfast. Plus, waiting until a little later in the morning to eat means Ted will actually eat his food without my having to say, "Take another bite please," over and over. 

Although I try to think of games both kids can play together, most often I am going back and forth between kids playing age appropriate activities. Tidus and I were looking at a board book and Ted was playing with his doodle pad while sitting on the beanbag chair in the corner. I looked over when he asked, "Look, what is this?" Gesturing to his drawing I realized he was not asking me what it was but more quizzing to see if I knew what letter he created (just like his parents quiz him all the time). 

"Wow you drew an S!" This was the very first time Ted has ever written a letter all by himself without my prompting and without a line to trace. Rushing to get my phone I told him to stay right there and don't touch anything I need a picture! Ted is from the generation that understands the importance of getting pictures of EVERYTHING so he knew to wait until I came back. Little did I realize this would not be a one time event! He erased the S and then drew another. He then erased that S and drew another! For this I needed a video! As I got my phone on video mode he began to draw a C! Yay go Ted! 

There are plenty of teaching moments when you have kids and they are all well and good, but the fun moments are when you see that your little one was actually learning! Those are the best :) 

You will notice in the video that Ted sometimes calls letters by their sound. This is because we started out learning letters by what sound they make instead of their name.