Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Answers to prayers

Today is Tuesday which means story time. Lately the half hour walk to the library has become a half hour power walk in order to get there on time. When I say "on time" I actually mean early because if you get there on time you are actually late because you will not be able to get a seat... understand? Story time seems to be getting more and more crowded and rambunctious each week. With the coming summer break I wager it will be a mad house.

Last week almost broke me. Parents were letting their children run crazy the entire time. Yes, children need to wiggle and move but come on people, keep your kid within arms reach. One little girl came over and sat by Ted during story time. Her mom was on the complete opposite side of the room (remember the room is packed with people). Ted had brought a hot wheels car with him and when he was not looking she grabbed it. Of course when he realized what had happened he quickly took it back. Then the girl started crying. I took the car and suggested we put it away until after we leave. The little girl ran crying back to her mom. sigh.... It is not the kids that get to me but the parents.... So after all that I was thinking man I do not know if all this effort is worth it. But Ted loves it and he does not notice the other crazy kids. If he has noticed them he has not picked up any of their crazy traits so that is good.

Fast forward to this week's story time. I was half a block away from home booking it to the library. Every 20 feet I would recheck my watch to see how many minutes had passed and how many minutes I had to get there. A thought crept into my mind. Why am I doing this? It is exhausting speed walking 30 minutes and up a giant hill. Feeling the bad attitude begin I decided to say a prayer to myself as we walked. I prayed mostly just for help to have a good attitude and enjoy the simplicity of spending time with my two sons.

And a wonderful thing happened, I did! I know 100% it was an answer to my prayer that Ted, Tidus, and I had a fantastic morning out. Nothing on the outside really changed. The hyper hoppy kiddos were still present, we still waited in a long line to sit in a full theater, and I was still me. But I know it was Heavenly Father helping me to notice all the great things of the day. Ted was the most well behaved I have ever seen him! Or maybe I was just given grace to notice what an amazing couple of kids I have.

Tidus wore shoes for the very first time today! Shout out to Robeez baby shoes. I bought these cute little booties used for Ted and he wore them for a very long time. And now Tidus is wearing them. They are pretty well worn but they are still hanging in there! He was so cute! Ted could not get over the fact that Tidus was wearing shoes. He loved it. 

Central Park has a trail with work out markers all along the way. The path has little green signs with instructions on what exercise to do at each stopping point. Today I thought Ted and I could have some fun trying them out. 
Ted attempting to jump up and touch the bar. You can't tell from this angle but the bar is close to twice his height. 

 Random climbing along the outside of the bridge. Don't worry the bridge does not actually go over anything. It is more just there to keep the path level.
 Jumping over the bar. I love that Ted sticks his tongue out when he is concentrating. He does it when he skates too. This is totally a Tyler trait.
 Poll Squats
 Calf Stretches

1 comment:

  1. Such a nice and uplifting story! I think you have wonderful kids! And Tidus is so cute in his shoes and as always! Ted is too doing his work out!!
