I finally got around to actually taking some pictures during Ted's roller skating class. He is still doing so well in class. This was a big week for him. At the end of each class the kids practice rolling down a pretty good size hill. The parents go ahead of the children and the little skaters roll down the hill working on balance and bravery I guess. This week Ted went down the entire big hill all by himself and did not fall! What a stud! At the end of class the teacher commented to us how Ted is doing so well.
I do try to practice with Ted somewhere during the week. Mostly it is just Ted putting on his skates and getting the mail with me while we also take Ruby out to go potty. Hooray for another fun week of roller skating. Also another victory was at the end on this class Ted was not completely exhausted so maybe he is building up his endurance too.
Ted at the beginning of class doing his stretches.
This week all the kids lined up and practiced using their breaks. Tyler and I trade off who helps Ted.
Here is Tyler demonstrating the proper position for using a heal break :)
While Tyler worked with Ted, Tidus and I hung out in the shade. Tidus spent the entire time trying to crawl around and eat things off the ground.
Our cute little skater boy.
Such a cute skater boy! Tidus is cute as always too!