Tuesday, December 8, 2015

We are the Opfars

Two children later and we can officially declare ourselves a family. :) Or maybe it was sometime before that. Here is the introduction. 

I am Whitney, the wife, the mom, and the reason so much of our family's lives will be documented in either video or picture. I can't help it. I love every season of life and I have a bad memory so there is a part of me that feels the necessity to capture everything. 

Tyler: the husband, the dad. I challenge anyone to find a more awesome person. Do you see this photo? He literally posed for my awkward pet photo idea with the dog. He is smart, fun and pretty stinking good looking ;) 

Ted and Tidus: the boys. I hope they will always be best friends. Did you know your sibling relationships are the longest ones you will ever have in this life? We even gave them related Star Trek middle names. They can bond over how weird their parents are when they get older. 

And Ruby: the pug. If there is one universal fact people know about me it is that I like pugs. Our kitchen is pug themed. I made it a point to be up front with any guy I dated letting them know I attend an annual pug gala each year. Last year I even volunteered to be the videographer. Basically, I love pugs. Sometimes Ruby can drive me up the wall though. 

This is us. We are the Opfars. The "P" is silent. I love my family and all the adventures we have together. 

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