Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Tidus the Mightiest Gets His Band

Yesterday was the big day. Tidus received his new head band (helmet). I was so nervous the entire day leading up to the appointment. I blame it on the fact that the lady I know whose child wears a band said it put a barrier between her and her son. Also he was refusing to nurse while he wore it. :( Being able to bond with my two boys has always been super important so I was really worried.

Tyler stayed home with Ted so he could take his nap and I braved the California traffic to make it to our appointment. The office is only 20 minutes away but I have to leave an hour early to make sure I get there on time.

For our appointment we were placed in a room and the new helmet was set on the table.

 It is a lot smaller in real life. The therapist put the helmet on Tidus's head and took measurements of where it needed to be shaved down. You can see the blue marks in the picture. At first he was not too sure what to think of the band. He kept reaching for it and looking around, but he did not seem overly stressed out.

Each time the therapist needed to shave down the band she would leave for about 15 minutes and Tidus would play with a table toy in the room. It was so cute. He can't stand on his own so I had to bend over and hold him up while he played. Then I would get tired and put him on my lap, but as soon as I did he would look longingly at the toy and try to reach for it. He LOVES toys! Even more than his big brother did at this age. 

As soon as we arrived home I made sure to snap some pics of Tidus for the family back in Washington. Ted saw Tidus was wearing his new special helmet and he insisted on wearing his helmet too. He wore it all night while we ran some errands. 

Ted saw I was looking at a website that sold decals you can buy to put on baby bands He ran to grab his sticker book. Ted put Cars stickers on his and Tidus's helmet. Later that night we stopped for fast food on the way home and Ted was trying to share his food with Tidus while they both laughed. I am so happy that my two little guys have each other. I hope they always love each other and stick up for one another. 

I 100% promise these pictures were not prompted by me. I was just able to catch Ted being ridiculously cute with his baby. 

The first two days of wearing the helmet I am required to take it off every few hours. This gives an opportunity for me to check for redness. Tidus's head needs to get used to the helmet. The first night went fantastic. Tidus slept exactly how he always does and he has been able to take his naps like normal. In fact maybe even a little better. My one concern so far is that I can no longer just rest my face into his cute little soft baby head. :( But he still has his happy Tidus personality. 

Oh, and Tyler felt so bad about baby Tidus having to wear this helmet that we went out the Babies 'R' Us and bought him a few new toys. :) 


  1. What a good big brother ted is! Just melts my heart!

  2. What a good big brother ted is! Just melts my heart!
