Monday, March 13, 2017

Ted's Maps and More on Minimalism

Ted loves maps. When we read books that have a map in the beginning he loves looking at it and tracing all the routes with his finger. He also loves treasure hunts. Yesterday he asked for paper and crayons so he could draw a map with he and Tidus. I am not sure where the map is supposed to lead but he is pretty proud of himself. 

 I am still in the process of minimizing our home. This is not an attempt to rid us of all our worldly possessions but I would just like to feel like we are abandoning some of the clutter that bogs me down. As I walked a certain blanket to the front door in the "to go" pile, Ted noticed and became upset saying he wanted it. He has never even seen this blanket before because it has been stored in a closet for the 3 years since it was given to him. (It is not a sentimental/homemade blanket) I told him no and he became even more distraught until I suggested he pull out some of the many other blankets he has and build a fort. And TADA! What seemed so important in the moment was quickly abandoned for a much better activity.

This is how most of our STUFF has made it into our home. I am guilty of this too. In the moment it seems like this item, whatever it is, is so essential to our lives that we must have it. If we step back and take note of what we already posses we can find joy in our current state instead of needing to fill the void with... junk.

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