A few months ago I made the ambitious decision to purchase a couple strawberry plants. After mentioning to Tyler my desire to create some sort of garden, he drove the family to Home Depot. Apartment living lends itself to very limited gardening so I decided to start small. We bought two strawberry plants, a small planter, some plant food, and potting soil.
I am not a gardener by any stretch of the imagination. I do not like it. Friends have mentioned how therapeutic they find weeding. I dread it. Trying to eliminate weeds is quite possibly the most obnoxious thing EVER! I get so angry that those dang weeds keep coming back and I get angry that they dare hurt my yard.... These are all thoughts from my previous days of home ownership.
Once again, I am starting very small. The planter did not have any holes in the bottom which I found odd. After much debate with Tyler as to whether a planter needs holes in the bottom I just let it go.
Fast forward to a few days ago. I went out to check on the strawberries and noticed little eggs on the stems. Ugh... being completely grossed out, I was about to dump the entire plant. It was always way to full of water and now it was the breeding ground for what I assumed to be aphids.
Reaching up to grab the planter I noticed a couple very small strawberries beginning to grow. Immediately I felt terrible for my previous thoughts. If this little plant is not giving up then neither should I.
The internet gave me some tips to rid the plant of the eggs. I dumped a few homemade concoctions onto the strawberry plants and left them out into the sun. The eggs would either go away or the plant would die.
Today I went to check on the progress. After not seeing any eggs I followed a different tip from the internet and wiped down each stem to make sure the eggs were all gone. Then I noticed a little circle on the bottom of the planter that said something like drill hole here... I believe it also read something like DUH! Or maybe that was just in my head.
One drilled hole later and TA DA! I could almost hear my plant give a sigh of relief as a heavy stream of water came flooding out.
In conclusion, I seem to have a more vested interest in the survival of my plants. They are counting on me to protect them and I better not let them down.
On another note we also went to the park today. I tried to help the kids figure out how to climb trees. I would lift the kids high into the tree and set them on the trunk. Ted loved sliding down. Tidus was terrified but when I tried to put him back down on the ground he would become upset saying, "Tre tre tre " (baby talk for tree, tree, tree). He loves trees but fears heights I guess.
This is not the tree they were sliding down.