Tuesday, March 28, 2017

My Poor Strawberries

A few months ago I made the ambitious decision to purchase a couple strawberry plants. After mentioning to Tyler my desire to create some sort of garden, he drove the family to Home Depot. Apartment living lends itself to very limited gardening so I decided to start small. We bought two strawberry plants, a small planter, some plant food, and potting soil. 

I am not a gardener by any stretch of the imagination. I do not like it. Friends have mentioned how therapeutic they find weeding. I dread it. Trying to eliminate weeds is quite possibly the most obnoxious thing EVER! I get so angry that those dang weeds keep coming back and I get angry that they dare hurt my yard.... These are all thoughts from my previous days of home ownership. 

Once again, I am starting very small. The planter did not have any holes in the bottom which I found odd. After much debate with Tyler as to whether a planter needs holes in the bottom I just let it go. 

Fast forward to a few days ago. I went out to check on the strawberries and noticed little eggs on the stems. Ugh... being completely grossed out, I was about to dump the entire plant. It was always way to full of water and now it was the breeding ground for what I assumed to be aphids. 

Reaching up to grab the planter I noticed a couple very small strawberries beginning to grow. Immediately I felt terrible for my previous thoughts. If this little plant is not giving up then neither should I. 
The internet gave me some tips to rid the plant of the eggs. I dumped a few homemade concoctions onto the strawberry plants and left them out into the sun. The eggs would either go away or the plant would die. 

Today I went to check on the progress. After not seeing any eggs I followed a different tip from the internet and wiped down each stem to make sure the eggs were all gone. Then I noticed a little circle on the bottom of the planter that said something like drill hole here... I believe it also read something like DUH! Or maybe that was just in my head. 

One drilled hole later and TA DA! I could almost hear my plant give a sigh of relief as a heavy stream of water came flooding out. 
In conclusion, I seem to have a more vested interest in the survival of my plants. They are counting on me to protect them and I better not let them down. 
On another note we also went to the park today. I tried to help the kids figure out how to climb trees. I would lift the kids high into the tree and set them on the trunk. Ted loved sliding down. Tidus was terrified but when I tried to put him back down on the ground he would become upset saying, "Tre tre tre " (baby talk for tree, tree, tree). He loves trees but fears heights I guess. 
 This is not the tree they were sliding down.

Sunday, March 26, 2017


Tyler has been working late and going to night classes quite a bit which takes a toll on my parenting abilities. Particularly at bedtime when nice, calm, patient mom has decided to check out of the house.

One of these particular nights I was rushing the kids through the bedtime routine to reach my destination of me-time relaxation. As Ted crawled into bed he noticed Lambie was missing. Lambie is Ted's special stuffie that he has had since he was a newborn.

And Lambie seems to get lost A LOT. How is this even possible I ask you? We live in a 2 bedroom 1000 square foot apartment. Where does she go? 

On this night I was fed up with Lambie's antics. What made the situation even more frustrating was the lack of help from my three year old. I would send him to the living room to look and find him getting out some toys to play with. 

Then I laid on the threats. I warned Ted that if he did not help me I would not read him any stories that night. If we didn't find Lambie then Ted would just have to sleep without her. I yelled at him to help and then yelled at him to just go lie in his bed.... and so on. 

As I was about to just give up Ted said, "Mom we need to pray to bring back the Holy Ghost." 

I knew that was one of the moments when a child would lead me. We said a prayer to help us find Lambie. I made Ted say it. 

And where do you think she was? 

Under his pillow.

I would love to say that after that moment I was back to the kind loving mom I should always be but I was still tired and just ready to snap. Story time was not cancelled and I did my best to give Ted love and then I went off to bed. 

Ted is an amazing child. One of the things Tyler mentioned in his baby blessing was that he would be an example to his brothers and sisters and I can definitely see that happening. 

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Back at the Beach

A couple weeks ago I mentioned to Tyler we do not go to the beach enough. We literally live 3 miles from a gorgeous beach. Why don't we go more often? He took me up on my challenge and we have gone to the beach the last two Saturdays and it was a blast! 

This last time we went was a little later in the day and Tidus was not in the mood to play. In true baby fashion, he fell asleep a few minutes before we parked the car. Therefore he was perfectly content to sit on the blanket and people watch. 

Tyler is bound and determined to get Ted comfortable with the ocean. Being only 36 inches tall, any wave is a potential for being knocked down. So Ted is terrified. Plus the crashing waves are pretty darn loud. 

By the end of the day Ted was having a blast jumping in the water and splashing daddy. 
I carried Tidus down to the water. He screamed at me until I took him back to this blanket. This is him given me the stink eye for daring to remove him from his nice warm spot. 
After a while Tidus began to throw sand onto the blanket so I kicked him off onto the beach and began burying his lower half. He had so much fun being buried in the sand that when Ted came to dig him out he gave a glare and pushed Ted away. 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Ted and Tidus being brothers

I love making music videos. For me, it is more fun to go back and binge watch all the music videos that I have made than watching plain family videos. But there will come a day when I wish I had more audio to listen to the kids cute little baby voices. I took a few minutes yesterday to capture Ted and Tidus playing together and showing their personalities.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A Charlotte Mason Homeschool

I believe I have found the perfect homeschool method for our family. It is called the Charlotte Mason method. She was an educator from England in the 18-1900s whose style based a child's learning on life more than dry text books. For my little guys she believed they should be spending as much time outside as possible learning from nature.

Mason wrote a 6 volume set describing her method so I can not possibly go into detail about all her theories but I will highlight some of the reasons I have chosen to educate my children using the Charlotte Mason method.

1. She places an emphasis on teaching habits to our children. She explains all the benefits of habits and we have already started this in our home. Taking shoes and hat off when you come inside, having a morning routine, holding doors for others, etc.

2. Lessons should be short. We already do this as well. Ted has a bit harder time in primary staying in his chair so each day we do "sitting practice" where the boys sit in their chairs and we sing a song, say a prayer, and I read them a short story. I try to keep this to 10 minutes. We also do short lessons with having preschool time.

3. Only read from good books not "twaddle". I love this too (especially since I am the one who has to read these books over and over). We have been (and by we I mean "I") have been making a greater effort to include high quality children's literature. Good Night Moon, My Father's Dragon, Blueberries for Sal.... just books that activate a child's thinking a little more...

4. Learning should be done through living books which are books written by someone who is passionate about the subject instead of learning from a textbook

5. memorizing... we already do this as well. Ted knows his 13 articles of faith

6. Spending as much time outside as possible and just letting the children be free to explore. This takes pressure off my to feel like I need to be constantly educating my kids and let them learn for themselves. Mason even tells moms to just stop talking and let the kids go. But she does add that you can have still teach your kids a small lesson. It is just not your job to entertain them when they are outdoors. Let nature do the entertaining.

There is a ton more and I am still learning about all of this but so far I love it. I have made a greater effort to get the kids outside more... which can be difficult even on a sunny day because there is so much going on.

The Charlotte Mason style of education falls in line with being a minimalist too. It is minimalist education. There is no need to buy endless toys and materials to teach your child. You just need a library and an adventure and you are good to go.

Ted picking blueberries at Grammy Bear's house 2015

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Tidus' Nose

Poor baby Tidus has always snored. It did not occur to me that this may be a problem until his pediatrician said babies are not supposed to snore at all. We were referred to an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor to have him checked out.

The timing of this appointment was perfect because Tidus also apparently has an ear infection in the works so this saved us an additional trip to the doctor. We were given meds for the ear infection and meds to see if it would help with the snoring. The doctor thought it might be allergies/asthma or possible a result of enlarged tonsils in which case he may have to have them removed. I just hope we can figure this out because it would be sad for him to go all his life dealing with trouble breathing.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Ted's Maps and More on Minimalism

Ted loves maps. When we read books that have a map in the beginning he loves looking at it and tracing all the routes with his finger. He also loves treasure hunts. Yesterday he asked for paper and crayons so he could draw a map with he and Tidus. I am not sure where the map is supposed to lead but he is pretty proud of himself. 

 I am still in the process of minimizing our home. This is not an attempt to rid us of all our worldly possessions but I would just like to feel like we are abandoning some of the clutter that bogs me down. As I walked a certain blanket to the front door in the "to go" pile, Ted noticed and became upset saying he wanted it. He has never even seen this blanket before because it has been stored in a closet for the 3 years since it was given to him. (It is not a sentimental/homemade blanket) I told him no and he became even more distraught until I suggested he pull out some of the many other blankets he has and build a fort. And TADA! What seemed so important in the moment was quickly abandoned for a much better activity.

This is how most of our STUFF has made it into our home. I am guilty of this too. In the moment it seems like this item, whatever it is, is so essential to our lives that we must have it. If we step back and take note of what we already posses we can find joy in our current state instead of needing to fill the void with... junk.


It is going to be a year full of changes with a lot less STUFF. Our family is full on embracing the minimalist lifestyle. This means having a lot less stuff to fill up your home and using that emptiness to create peace and order, not to mention saving headaches and money.

Also with our pending move on the horizon, the idea of packing up less possessions is a dream.

I think I was born to be a minimalist. Looking back at my college years I would take the very bare essentials with me. Upon returning home to a room full of stuff I would wonder why I needed any of it since I had just made it an entire year without it.

Of course the usual reasons force a person to hold onto to stuff. There is guilt, worry, sentiment and the big question of "what if?"  We are letting go of all of it and thinking practically. I am over joyed to say Tyler is totally on board. He has been so amazing and supportive and gladly share things he think I should get rid of.

The point here is that life is short and I want to spend it gaining experiences with my family not stuff. This embracing of minimalism has had the unexpected side effect of helping us save money. We have always had trouble sticking with a budget. We tell ourselves, okay we need to stop spending money!! And then we go to the store and buy more things thinking we need them. Now we look at it from a different angle. We don't need to bring more stuff into our home to clutter it up and BAM we dont spend the money. We even walked around Target while our oil was getting changed and did not buy ANYTHING WHAAAt????

I am hoping we are also passing along a lesson to our boys that they don't need all these things to be happy. All we take with us is our memories so we better make some great ones!!