Monday, June 6, 2016

They're eating each other!

Tyler and I should never make a trip to the pet store together. When we go by ourselves everything is fine. We purchase the items we went for and head home. When we go together things get crazy. It was when we went together that we impulsively bought two parakeets. They were stinking cute and fun to have but we found a new home for them when moved 2 states away. A couple weeks ago we went to the pet store together and came home with two beta fish. We are much too impulsive... and we are suckers for promotional events.

I was looking for a good brush for Ruby (I did not find one) and ended up finding a cute new harness for her from the Martha Stewart collection. It has a little pink felt flower on the back.
While I was shopping, Tyler took Ted over to a table where children could decorate their own fish bowl. Well of course when you decorate a fish bowl you have to buy a fish to put in it. And you can't just use a little fish bowl because the fish need lots of room right??? sigh... well one thing lead to another and Tyler found this beta tank that has a divider in the middle so you can get two beta in the same tank. We brought it home and set them all up.

Everything was fine for about a week and then we noticed that the fish were becoming hostile toward each other. The divider is not solid. It has slots in it and for some reason the fish fight through the holes. The bigger beta was taking chunks out of the smaller one!!!! I was so mad. The big beta was banished back to the small fish bowl that Ted had originally decorated and small beta was given free range of the entire big tank. You could tell big beta was ticked at this new arrangement. If he could I am sure he would have taken out his rage on me.

Tyler, being the animal rights activist that he is went back to the pet store and purchased two new small tanks for each fish so they would have their own space. We set the tanks next to each other but the fish must face opposite directions because they still try to attack even though they are 100% separate. The small tanks are what are pictured up top.

Oh, and the fish do have names. They are Nemo and Dory. I don't know which is which... I just call them jerk fish and the fish that got a hurt.

1 comment:

  1. Cute how Ruby is watching Ted. Looks like he is showing her.
