Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Baby Finger Painting

Ted grew up in a world of developmentally appropriate activities, sensory bins, songs and stories. Tidus is the second child and as such he prefers to do whatever Ted is doing. This is just fine with me until I realized that poor Tidus has not gotten to do all the fun baby activities I worked so hard to research and set up for baby Ted.

I have made a goal to put together activities just for Tidus's age level at least a couple times per week. Yesterday was finger painting.

Wearing only his diaper, Tidus sat on an upturned table. I taped a piece of paper to the bottom of the table top and plopped a glob of gooey finger paint in front of baby. I predicted Tidus would love this experience and you can see he certainly did. He LOVES sand and grass and getting into all things messy.

 And here is the end result... There is not much else to say about this experience. Afterwards I tossed baby into the tub with Ted who was more than happy to hop into a bath and play with his brand new bath toys.

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute! Glad he enjoyed painting! Did you post his picture or diaper on the wall or fridge? Lol
