For starters, our weekend began with Friday night homemade pizza. Yum! After Tyler started the trend of making pizza instead of buying it I am hooked! It tastes so much better and my face does not feel like I washed it with grease afterwards. Plus I am sure it is healthier. Ted and I made one together with red peppers and onions. Tyler made his with the same toppings plus fistfuls of mini pepperonis. We all curled up on the couch with our pizza and "The Good Dinosaur" from Redbox. (Thanks to Aunt Miranda for the gift card)
There are so many parks in Huntington Beach. Being a one car family, the boys and I have only been to a couple different parks. This weekend I took advantage of having Tyler and the car home and Googled all the parks in the city. From the pictures, Ted and I chose a few to check out including a dog park that I did not know existed.
Park # 1 was Ted's top pick. It is called the Well Park and was described as being an ocean themed park nestled at the center of several million dollar gated communities. The park was nice enough. The "ocean theme" was not really evident but I spent much of the time trying to check out the homes just beyond the fences. They were huge! We could not even walk into these neighborhoods because there are locks and combinations everywhere. Tyler pointed out the Range Rover that pulled in next to us in the parking lot.
I saw a landscaping truck driving around the neighborhood and for a fleeting moment I schemed an idea of impersonating a maintenance worker so we could check out these cool mansions. You can just barely see one of the homes in the background on this first picture.
Park #2 was the dog park a ways down the road from the first park. The path leading to the park was paved with stones people and their dogs made. We found one stone that said Teddy on it. (Ted is supposed to be pointing to his name in this picture but his hand is covering the name)
It is a good size park and divided between big dogs and little dogs. This is good for Ruby who is terrified of all other dogs. I am glad there is a dog park close by, but I am not a fan of the wood chips. They get in my shoes and poke my feet.
I do appreciate how much seating is available and all the trees. Ted ran up to this bench and pointed to the boxer saying, "Hey it's Ruby!"
Park #3 is actually the same park as the dog park. They are both part of CENTRAL PARK. Central Park is a giant park that has lots of small parks in it. There is a lake, a restaurant, sports complex, the library, ducks, and more. We did not see all of the ground it covered but attempted to drive around as much as possible.
This playground had super high tube slides that Ted and Tyler twisted down over and over. I probably sound like the stick in the mud because I do not go on all these things but it is more the fact that I have a baby strapped to me and someone has to take the pictures. :)
I hope to continue our parade of the parks to see even more.
The last stop for our day was our own community pool. The weekend was a little breezy so we stuck to the hot tub and had it all to ourselves. Recently we bought Tidus his own personal island to float around in. It is the funniest sight. He looks like all he needs is a little umbrella drink and he will be the poster boy for relaxation.
And I finally used my underwater camera, UNDERWATER. Looks at those cute little baby legs!