Friday, February 12, 2016

A visit with the Moabites

I try to make each blog post more than just a photo album and actually have a story behind each picture. This past week the babies and I made the trek to Moab, Utah to visit the Custers AKA my sister's family. It was a random and almost spur of the moment vacation. Miranda texted to see how I was doing and we both came to the conclusion that we needed someone awesome to hang out with, so the plane tickets were bought and plans were made. :) 

Unfortunately Tyler was unable to get off work so it was just the boys and me flying to Utah. After I ordered the plane tickets I remembered... oh yeah, Utah is cold! It is a good thing we still have some winter clothes available from our time in Washington. 

As a bonus, Tidus had the opportunity to wear the cute winter bear suit I bought when I was pregnant with him, and before I knew we would be living in a city that is in the 80s in February. Isn't he cute? He looks like a little ewok. 
We did not play very much in the snow but there were a few minutes we spent at the park licking icicles. 

The boys are old enough that they can play together during bath time. :) Tidus mostly just splashes Ted. 
Cousins buddies! Kamdan is 2 months older than Tidus but only 1 pound heavier. It was fun to watch them play next to each other with all their little toys. 

It is funny to think about the fact that we visited Moab, one of the most scenic and adventurous cities in the US and we did not do any sight seeing at all. It was a great vacation with family and hanging out. Next time we will take Tyler and actually see the city. I loved getting to see cousin Cooper play basketball and baseball and Ted loved the adorable kid section in the library. He completely set up this little tea party by himself. He is getting so good and pretend play. 
I am so glad we were able to make this trip! I wish we lived closer to the Custers but I do not see that happening anytime soon. So for now we will just look forward to when they come out to see us and we can show them our neck of the woods. 

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