The very first weekend... the very first day... it opened, we went to the Easter Eggstravaganza at the Irvine Park in Orange. I found out about it where I find most my tips, the OC Parenting Magazine. There are a few magazines put out by orange county that are monthly and free and always give me great tips of fun activities.
Our first stop was signing up for one of the Easter egg hunts. I have never been to a more organized egg hunt. They even sat the group down and said each child gets 8 eggs and parents are NOT allowed to pick up the eggs (a pet peeve of mine). There were still parents who picked up eggs because they were raised in a world where rules don't apply to them.Tyler worked with Tidus and I was with Ted.
I made him stop in the middle of the hunt to take a picture with this rabbit. I was in no hurry because if every kid is guaranteed 8 eggs than we should have nothing to worry about right? WELL, some kids were taking way more than 8 and their parents were not counting. Ted got all his eggs but Tidus was one short and we were scrambling (get it?) to find one. I noticed one on the grass and standing next to it I said here Tidus! And right as I said that a parent snatched it up to put in her kid's basket. She then noticed me and my 1 year old and was like oh here you can have it... sigh... so we got our eggs and moved on.
We then moved on to the games where everyone wins a prize just for playing. That is my kind of game!
And then a ride on the train. As far as train rides go it was not the most amazing experience but Ted had fun and still talks about it. Probably because the train got stuck on the track. They had oiled the tracks and since it was still early in the day the tracks were slick. The conductor had to completely back the train up almost to the beginning and then take the slight incline at a faster speed.
We also decorated cookies. Tyler is much better at this than I am. He put on tons of frosting. Mmm!
Ted LOVES bounce houses.
Tidus not so much. I had to shove him in the small hole and then he wandered around for a bit before deciding he was over it and got back out.
He would rather play with his game prize than jump in the bounce house.
There were still some ticket left over so we played a few more games and then we had to take Tyler into work for the rest of the Saturday.