After story time we load up on books. Lately we have been averaging about 16 books per check out. These books last us the entire week and are read over and over and over. Children learn through repetition right? As headed to the checkout station, heavy load in arms, a book at the end of an aisle caught my attention. It was titled, The complete day to day curriculum. I stopped to have a looked and learned it was a day be day set of lessons for early childhood education. PERFECT! I have been using various blogs, Pinterest, and my own research to plan out lessons for Ted's preschool and while it has been working, it requires quite a bit of work and lots of blogs want you to have all these toys and do-dads to enhance your preschool experience.
At one point I was planning to follow a lesson plan from a blog that listed all the materials you would need for a two week curriculum. They even included links to Amazon for some of the more obscure materials. I decided to start a cart on Amazon and add all the items that I did not already own... the total came to $85! What? Of course if I stuck with this person it would not always be this high because I would accumulate stuff... but do I really want to accumulate stuff?
So I am giving this book a try and after 4 lessons I am sold. It has lots of songs, games, and focuses on all the different areas of learning (arts, math, gross motor etc). I continue to use Ted's work books for things like letters, numbers and writing but this books take over all the circle time activities.
We are learning all about the body. I will take a pic of our wall later but for one of the activities I took pictures of our faces and we taped them onto outlines of our bodies. Then for hands day I took a pic of everyone's hands and taped them onto the bodies and for feet day I took pictures of feet. It is pretty funny and cute.
One Friday we went to the outdoor mall and watched a guitar player and ate dinner.
Ted and Tidus playing together.